Tassie Impressions 1775 Catalogue

In 1791 Eric Raspe produced the catalogue of the Impressions of James Tassie that numbered 15,800.  Sixteen years prior, in 1775 Tassie produced a catalogue which numbered about 3,200 impressions/moulds.  That begs the question of where did those impressions/moulds come from and when?  Commentaries on Tassie opine that he (or his agents) made impressions from “the grandest collections in Europe”, yet Tassie is never purported to have traveled to the continent.  His nephew, William Tassie, took over he business after Jame’s death in 1799.  Upon William’s retirement (???? Wilson took over the business), it is reported that he had over 20,000 impressions /moulds.  Where did the additional 5,000 +/- come from?